Personal Data Collection

2.1. Personal Data Company may collect from Users includes, but is not limited to:

2.1.1.We do not collect personal identifiable information;

2.1.2.Usage Data: The information provided to our support team, usage of our Website, authentication data, security questions, user ID, click-stream data and other data collected via cookies and similar technologies.

2.2. Website uses β€œcookies” in combination with similar automated techniques to collect and store information obtained from your use. A cookie is a small data file that is transferred from your device (e.g. your phone or your computer) for record-keeping purposes.

2.2.1. For example, a cookie may allow Company to recognize your browser, while another could store your preferences and other information.

2.2.2. You may have an option and choose to decline the use of cookies but this will affect the parts of Website, or they may not work at all.

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